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(NSM Overview)
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Latest revision as of 15:57, 22 July 2008

NSM Overview

The full nutrient cycle, as descibed by Johnson and Gerald (2006) can be simulated with the Nutrient Simulation Model (NSM)

NSM 1.0 Documentation

An overview of the NSM model is provided in

NSM Overview

The latest release version of NSM is 3.0. The latest documentation available on NSM is from Version 1.1, which is in publication.

NSM 1.1 Documentation

Also in final publication is the description of the NSM channel componennts

NSM Stream Documentation

Additional information on simulating phosphorous in a gridded approach (GSSHA) can be found in James and Johnson (2007).

Simulating Phosphorous in GSSHA

NSM is an external library that is linked to GSSHA. Not all features of NSM are currently linked to GSSHA. GSSHA has been linked to NSM for soil and surface water reactions (overland and channel) only. GSSHA has been modified to work with NSM for simulating interaction with suspended sediments, but this version is not ready for release. Future versions of GSSHA will include this linkage, as well as linkage to other NSM components, including plant dynamics.

Project File Cards - Required

Setting up nutrients requires several cards. The transport options need to be specified for whichever flow options are turned on. The aquatic environment file, with its stream index map and overland index map, needs to be set up with the kinetic rates.

General Setup

Card Input Req'd for Nutrients Comments
none Y Tells GSSHA to do NSM nutrients kinetics and transport
value Y if SOIL_CONTAM The depth of the surface soil layer containing the constituents
none Y Tells GSSHA to do overland constituent transport
none Y if streams Tells GSSHA to do channel constituent transport
none Y if infiltration Tells GSSHA to do vadose zone nutrient transport
AQ_ENV  "filename.aqe"
filename.aqe Y The Aquifer Environment file, contains the controlling kinetic rates
CHAN_PH  ##.##
value Y if computing Kjeldahl N The pH of the water (constant), used for computing NH3+
value Y The temperature of the water (constant), used in computing rates of change

Project File Cards - Optional


Card Input Req'd for Nutrients Comments
SOURCEFILE  "filename.src"
filename.src N describes point and non-point loadings
none, uniform value, or filename.ext N If blank, use mapping table. If filename, apply grid of values.

Soils Initialization

Card Input Req'd for Nutrients Comments
none N Initialize cell loadings from mapping table values
none N Initialize cell loadings from mapping table values
none N Initialize cell loadings from mapping table values

Overland Initialization

Values of constituents in water produced by hotstart or init_cell_elev cards.

Card Input Req'd for Nutrients Comments
OV_INIT_NO2  [value]
none, uniform value, or filename.ext N If blank, use mapping table. If filename, apply grid of values. Value is in mg/l.
OV_INIT_NO3  [value]
none, uniform value, or filename.ext N If blank, use mapping table. If filename, apply grid of values. Value is in mg/l.
OV_INIT_NH4  [value]
none, uniform value, or filename.ext N If blank, use mapping table. If filename, apply grid of values. Value is in mg/l.
OV_INIT_ON  [value]
none, uniform value, or filename.ext N If blank, use mapping table. If filename, apply grid of values. Value is in mg/l.
OV_INIT_OP  [value]
none, uniform value, or filename.ext N If blank, use mapping table. If filename, apply grid of values. Value is in mg/l.
OV_INIT_DP  [value]
none, uniform value, or filename.ext N If blank, use mapping table. If filename, apply grid of values. Value is in mg/l.
OV_INIT_ALG  [value]
none, uniform value, or filename.ext N If blank, use mapping table. If filename, apply grid of values. Value is in mg/l.
OV_INIT_CBOD  [value]
none, uniform value, or filename.ext N If blank, use mapping table. If filename, apply grid of values. Value is in mg/l.
OV_INIT_DO  [value]
none, uniform value, or filename.ext N If blank, use mapping table. If filename, apply grid of values. Value is in mg/l.
OV_DOC_INIT  [value]
none, uniform value, or filename.ext N If blank, use mapping table. If filename, apply grid of values. Value is in mg/l.
OV_DOC_FOC  [value]
none, uniform value, or filename.ext N If blank, use mapping table. If filename, apply grid of values. Value is in mg/l.

Stream Initialization

Card Input Req'd for Nutrients Comments
ST_MAPPING_TABLE  "filename.smt"
filename.smt N Mapping table for streams.
ST_INIT_NO2  [value]
none, uniform value, or filename.ext N If blank, use mapping table. If filename, apply grid of values. Value is in kg per cell.
ST_INIT_NO3  [value]
none, uniform value, or filename.ext N If blank, use mapping table. If filename, apply grid of values. Value is in kg per cell.
ST_INIT_NH4  [value]
none, uniform value, or filename.ext N If blank, use mapping table. If filename, apply grid of values. Value is in kg per cell.
ST_INIT_ON  [value]
none, uniform value, or filename.ext N If blank, use mapping table. If filename, apply grid of values. Value is in kg per cell.
ST_INIT_OP  [value]
none, uniform value, or filename.ext N If blank, use mapping table. If filename, apply grid of values. Value is in kg per cell.
ST_INIT_DP  [value]
none, uniform value, or filename.ext N If blank, use mapping table. If filename, apply grid of values. Value is in kg per cell.
ST_INIT_PO4  [value]
none, uniform value, or filename.ext N If blank, use mapping table. If filename, apply grid of values. Value is in kg per cell.
ST_INIT_ALG  [value]
none, uniform value, or filename.ext N If blank, use mapping table. If filename, apply grid of values. Value is in kg per cell.
ST_INIT_CBOD  [value]
none, uniform value, or filename.ext N If blank, use mapping table. If filename, apply grid of values. Value is in kg per cell.
ST_INIT_DO  [value]
none, uniform value, or filename.ext N If blank, use mapping table. If filename, apply grid of values. Value is in kg per cell.

Overland Nutrient Output

Card Input Req'd for Nutrients Comments
total_ov_n  [value]
filename.ton or path** N gridded output of total N mass and concentration (will add .mass and .conc)
total_ov_p  [value]
filename.top or path** N gridded output of total P mass and concentration (will add .mass and .conc)
out_ov_no2  [value]
filename.on2 or path** N gridded output of overland NO2 mass and concentration (will add .mass and .conc)
out_ov_no3  [value]
filename.on3 or path** N gridded output of overland NO3 mass and concentration (will add .mass and .conc)
out_ov_nh4  [value]
filename.on4 or path** N gridded output of overland NH4 mass and concentration (will add .mass and .conc)
out_ov_on  [value]
filename.oon or path** N gridded output of overland ON mass and concentration (will add .mass and .conc)
out_ov_op  [value]
filename.oop or path** N gridded output of overland OP mass and concentration (will add .mass and .conc)
out_ov_dp  [value]
filename.odp or path** N gridded output of overland DP mass and concentration (will add .mass and .conc)
out_ov_po4  [value]
filename.op4 or path** N gridded output of overland PO4 mass and concentration (will add .mass and .conc)
out_ov_alg  [value]
filename.oal or path** N gridded output of overland Algae mass and concentration (will add .mass and .conc)
out_ov_cbod  [value]
filename.ocb or path** N gridded output of overland CBOD mass and concentration (will add .mass and .conc)
out_ov_do  [value]
filename.odo or path** N gridded output of overland DO mass and concentration (will add .mass and .conc)

**If MAP_TYPE is 0 (Arc/Info ASCII Grid), then the value supplied should be a valid path. If MAP_TYPE is 4, then the path should be relative to the base grid output folder. For other values of MAP_TYPE a filename should be supplied.

Stream Nutrient Output

Card Input Req'd for Nutrients Comments
total_chan_n  "filename.tcn"
filename.tcn N link/node output of total N (NO2, NO3, NH3+, NH4) (+.mass in kg, +.conc in mg/l)
total_chan_kn  "filename.tkn"
filename.tkn N link/node output of total Kjeldajl nitrogen (+.mass in kg, +.conc in mg/l)
total_chan_p  "filename.tcp"
filename.tcp N link/node output of total phosphorus (OP + DP) (+.mass in kg, +.conc in mg/l)
out_st_no2  "filename.sn2"
filename.sn2 N link/node output of NO2 (+.mass in kg, +.conc in mg/l)
out_st_no3  "filename.sn3"
filename.sn3 N link/node output of NO3 (+.mass in kg, +.conc in mg/l)
out_st_nh4  filename.sn4
filename.sn4 N link/node output of NH4 (+.mass in kg, +.conc in mg/l)
out_st_on  filename.son
filename.son N link/node output of Organic Nitrogen (+.mass in kg, +.conc in mg/l)
out_st_op  filename.sop 
filename.sop N link/node output of Organic Phosphorus (+.mass in kg, +.conc in mg/l)
out_st_dp  filename.sdp
filename.sdp N link/node output of Dissolved Phosphorus (+.mass in kg, +.conc in mg/l)
out_st_alg  filename.sal
filename.sal N link/node output of Algae (+.mass in kg, +.conc in mg/l)
out_st_cbod  filename.sbd
filenname.sbd N link/node output of CBOD (+.mass in kg, +.conc in mg/l)
out_st_do  filename.sdo
filename.sdo N link/node output of DO (+.mass in kg, +.conc in mg/l)

Nutrient Loadographs

Card Input Req'd for Nutrients Comments