GSSHA Download

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GSSHA™ Executable Installation Downloads

Release Version 3 - no longer supported

This is the most stable version. However this version is no longer being updated for bugs. If you are experiencing some difficulty you think is related to the code, download version 4.x and try that. Use of version 4 may require changes to your input files. These changes are being incorporated into the Wiki as they occur. Note: Use of GSSHA v 5 is strongly reccomended.

Release Version 4 - no longer supported

Version 4 development has ceased as of January 2009. As with Version 3, it is no longer being updated for bugs. Documentation of version 4 in the Wiki is essentially complete. Version 4 is compatible with WMS 8.2. Note: Users should begin using v 5 of GSSHA.

Release Version 5 - no longer supported

GSSHA v 5 is considered the official release version of the model. The previous versions are no longer supported and are not supported by current version of WMS. Since file formats have changed over versions it is reccommended that the users of the older versions adopt v5 and make the required changes to their input files. This version includes significant enhancements including the ability to input hydrographs, with or without contaminants, at any point in the stream network and a version of the multi-layer G&A infiltration model that can be used in long term mode, linked with groundwater, and used in contaminant transport, including transport in the soils. The multi-layer G&A is not currently supported by WMS. This version also includes contaminant transport of constitutents attached to sediments. The sub-surface drainage with tile drains are working in this version as well. In addition, the input for the GAR infiltration model has been modified such that the wilting point value is entered in the G&A model of infiltration table and not included in the evapotranspiration table in the mapping table file. The automated calibration method has also been modified and undergone extensive testing to ensure robustness. As of Oct 2009 the automated calibration method can be used for calibration to sediment data, as well as flow data (See Chapter 18 of the manual). The most recent addition is the ability to put out maps of groundwater recharge (See Chapter 3 of the Manual). Other than the notes above GSSHA v 5.1 is generally supported by WMS v 8.4 which is currently being modified to include support for these new features. Note: in a previous version 5 (as of April 2009) the G&A infiltration method for single events was producing incorrect results, this problem has been resolved as of May 21, 2009. This problem did not affect models using GAR, multi-layer G&A, or RE solutions of infiltation. The October 2009 releases have bug fixes to the automated calibration routines. The March 2010 release has bug fixes for contaminant transport. The June 2010 release has changes related to sediment transport output files, corrects problems reading the Richards Equation mapping table, and corrects Superlink starting conditions and error flags. The October 2010 compile fixes problems with using multiple gages and for automated calibration. If you are using multiple gages in your automated calibration you should definitely switch to this or a later version of the model.

It is strongly reccomended that users of earlier versions of GSSHA and WMS switch to GSSHA v 5.1 and WMS v 8.4.

Version 5.7 - phased into v6.0 - no longer supported

We are releasing a new version, v5.71. In this version we have the OpenMP parallelization working on both the 32 bit and the 64 bit version. We also have resolved many file related problems that were really only appearing during the use of the automated calibration. In addition, there have been a significant number of corrections to the in-stream sediment routing in this version of the code. If you are doing sediment transport with streams you definitely want to be using this version. There are no input changes associated with this version so it is compatible with WMS v 8.4. The programs below will install gssha571.exe on your computer. You will need to enter the command gssha57 to use this version. As of June 23, 2011 problems with running Richard's Equation in event mode have been fixed.

If you are using Windows 7 you should use the PROJECT_PATH card in your project file. The PROJECT_PATH card is used to specify the directory to put output automatically generated by GSSHA. If you use the PROJECT_PATH card, all other path names in your project file, and mapping table (.cmt) file should be relative to the PROJECT_PATH. The easiest solution is to copy the executable (gssha57.exe) to the directory with your input files and run from the command line, i.e. gssha57 project.prj. In this case, you don't need the project path card. More information about the PROJECT_PATH card can be found in Section 3.12 of the GSSHA User's Manual, available on this site. If you are using Windows 7 and have problems with this version, try version 5.1, and let me know you are having problems. Problems with automated calibration appear to be fixed as of Sept 23, 2011

Version 57sR is currently considered the release version for use with WMS 9.0+, it has mapping tables for the multi-layer G&A and new sediment transport capacity formulations and a modified mapping table. In this version SOIL_EROSION methods 3-6, have been replaced, as per the discussion in section 10.1.3 of the manual. Also, the parameters related to these methods have been removed from the mapping table (overland detachment coefficient, overland detachment exponent, and overland detachment critical value), such that the mapping table for overland sediment erosion has only 5 values, not including the sediment fractions. This version also has overland rating curve structures type 6 and 7 included,and has fixes for sediment transport in channels with structures and overbank flow, plus new overbank flow methods,

An updated version of 57sR still in testing is:

Please see Chapter 18 Section 6 for GSSHA 5.7a executables that employ four new alternate GSSHA run modes directed to providing additional capabilities for the computer-based calibration of a GSSHA model deployment

Special versions

For Jaime

Version 6.0 - official release version

GSSHA version 6.0 replaces all previous versions. This version contains all the updates to version 5 plus new snow accumulation, melt, and routing methods. If you are using prior versions, especially if you are using special pre-release versions, you should switch to this version. GSSHA 5, 5.1, 5.7, 57sR, etc., will no longer be supported. As we are moving toward v61 this version is only being updated for known bugs. These bugs fixes, and new capability, are included in v61. v61 is considered Beta, but is really more pre-release and should become the release version soon.

GSSHA 60 is compatible with WMS 9.0+, however some of the new features are not yet supported in WMS, including the new calibration methods, overland hydraulic structures, multi-layer Green and Ampt inputs, and a some of the latest snow features. See discussion on version 5.7 above for more details.

Please see Chapter 18 Section 6 for GSSHA 5.7a executables that employ four new alternate GSSHA run modes directed to providing additional capabilities for the computer-based calibration of a GSSHA model deployment.

Additional information on the new snow features is forthcoming.

Notes: GSSHA60 releases prior to Jan 30, 2013 had errors related to static overland head boundaries. All GSSHA versions prior to Jan 30, 2013 are subject to errors when simulating multiple lakes in the same model. Errors related to initilizaing a model with SWE are fixed as of 5-13-2013. Additional bugs fixed as 7-31-2013 including fixes to the GAR infiltration routine. Note that simulation results using GAR will differ (more infiltration) compared to previous results.

Version 61 - Beta

This beta version has depth varying overland roughness and the ability to assign overbank flow and backwater calculations to individual stream links. There are also static lakes and lakes with defined rating curves. Additional, overland structures can be used to pass water through embankments, including between lakes. There are also some modifications to the storm and tile drains routines. Lakes and groudnwater have been made OPM parallel. Snow accumulation, melting, and overland routing through the snow pack have also been updated in this version. In this version the inflection points in the ET and interception routines can now be user selected. Additional bug fixes, including the one for GAR noted above, are also included. This version includes everything in all previous 60 or 61 special versions.

If you have been using one of those versions you should switch to this one. I have permanently removed those versions. Very soon to be the release version. At that time the wiki will be updated. In the meantime if you need examples of input files for new features contact me.

Version 6.1 - GSSHA for Linux

The following GSSHA rpm works on derivatives of Red Hat (centos, scientific linux, fedora).

For installing gssha from the rpm, download the rpm and let the package manager install it.

Watershed Modeling System

For Corps users, a copy of the WMS software can be obtained on the CHL web site. A license and password to use WMS can be obtained by following the instructions on the site.

For non-Corps users, a licensed copy of the WMS software can be obtained from the Aquaveo web site.

The WMS wiki can be found here.

WMS 8.1 interfaces with GSSHA™ 3.0b. The recently released WMS 8.2 interfaces with GSSHA™ 4.0 and WMS 8.4 interfaces with GSSHA™ 5 .

Tutorial Files
