Gridded Surface Subsurface Hydrologic Analysis
Welcome to the GSSHA™ Wiki!
The GSSHA™ Wiki is the best source for up to date information on the GSSHA™ model. In the last few years many new features have been added to the GSSHA™ model. Many of these features were developed or released after the publication of the primer and manual. One of the main purposes of the GSSHA™ Wiki is to keep the documentation up to date with the model development.
If you are an experienced GSSHA™ user you may still find some model features missing from the site. This site will cover only release versions of the code. Currently we are on release version 5.1. Release version 3.0b is supported by WMS 8.1, which can be downloaded below (under the Tutorials section on this page). Release version 5 is supported by WMS 8.2 and above. Currently we are using WMS 8.4, and thus reccommend to our users to use the same. The next GSSHA release will be version 5.7x, which works with the WMS 9.0 Beta. These versions should be release versions by the time of the next course, which is July 2012.
As many users may be aware, support of features in WMS typically lags behind development of GSSHA™. This is necessary in that we must settle on final GSSHA™ inputs and outputs before we ask them to be added to WMS. While we strongly encourage GSSHA™ users to use WMS for pre and post processing, users should be aware that many GSSHA™ models, especially GSSHA™ models with advanced features, must be at least partially developed outside of WMS. In addition to WMS, we have developed several utilities to assist in the development of GSSHA™ inputs. These utilities are linked to this site as well. The documents provided here describe the actual inputs to the GSSHA™ model and should be consulted when there are questions about inputs, whether developed from WMS or by other means. When in doubt, refer to Users Manual section on this wiki, which contains the most up to date information on model inputs.
As of July 30, 2009 the sediment transport and stream routing sections of the manual has been updated to reflect the new formulations in the current model. Additional information may be added to these sections. At this point, major updates to the manual are essentially complete. This site is frequently updated, so check back often for additional improvements, updates, and resources. Recently, additional changes have been made to the GSSHA sediment formulations. Those changes in version 5.7x of GSSHA include changes to the mapping table format. These changes are supported by WMS 9.x, and not previous versions.
As of Jan 27, 2011 we released a new version, 5.7. Look for the executables for 32 and 64 bit installations on the download page.
GSSHA™ is developed and maintained by the US Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) Hydrologic Modeling Branch, in the Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory, see:
If you are not familiar with GSSHA™ see the overview tab on the top left hand side of your screen to get a feel for what GSSHA™ is and what applications it might be appropriate for. For more information about the GSSHA™ model, it's formulation, and it's applicability, contact me at For more information about WMS and using WMS to construct a GSSHA model and visualize results, contact Aquaveo at:
Back to back basic and advanced GSSHA training was conducted in Omaha Nebraska, July 12-16, 2010 and again in Vicksburg, MS, July, 2011. These courses were conducted primarily for USACE and other DoD users. See this announcement for details on the course subject matter. * GSSHA Omaha Course Announcment. The updated tutorials from these courses are available in the Tutorial Section below. These tutorials were developed especially for WMS 8.4.
Saddle up! In breaking with recent tradition, we will be offering a three day basic GSSHA/WMS course in a non hot and humid environment, namely, at the University of Wyoming campus in Laramie, WY July 17-19, 2012. Details can be found here. 2012 Course Announcement
For those of you in the Corps of Engineers, we now have a User's Community you can join in the new Knowledge Hub. Check it out!
[hide]GSSHA™ FEMA Certification
GSSHA™ is now FEMA certified for National Flood Insurance Program studies! For more information see the FEMA NFIP Currently Accepted National Hydrologic Models
GSSHA™ Training Course Information
GSSHA™ Training courses are occasionally offered through the USACE and through Aquaveo. These courses are very interesting and fun and are normally offered once a year. Course attendees leave these courses with the information they need to build any type of GSSHA™ model that fits their needs and with a comprehensive understanding of the GSSHA™ model. Click here for updated information about the next GSSHA™ training course.
GSSHA™ Software Primer
This document is a primer for use of the Watershed Modeling System (WMS) interface with the physically based, distributed-parameter hydrologic model Gridded Surface Subsurface Hydrologic Analysis (GSSHA™). The primary purpose of this primer is to describe how the WMS interface is used to develop inputs and analyze output from the GSSHA™ model. This primer also provides a brief description of the GSSHA™ model, including the overall model formulation, processes that can be simulated, and input formats for files not supported by WMS.
GSSHA™ User's Manual
This document is the detailed user manual for GSSHA™. The last printed version is available here: *GSSHA Manual. Be aware the the printed version has not been updated since 2006 and that many features in the model have changed. Updates to the Manual are done on the wiki, which has the latest information on GSSHA™ features and file formats.
GSSHA™ Tutorials
Note: GSSHA currently supports file names (including path and file name) with lengths less than or equal to 128 characters. If GSSHA tutorial files are placed in a directory with a path that causes the combined path and file name to exceed 128 characters, then GSSHA will not run.
Download the latest GSSHA™ tutorials and data files here
GSSHA™ Park City June 2008 training tutorials and data files (ZIP file, 65.4 MB)
Download tutorials and videos describing how to use WMS here
Utility Programs
Obtaining Data
This section gives sample values for many of the parameters used in GSSHA™.
GSSHA™ Bibliography
Reports or papers where GSSHA™ was used.
Test Cases
Example projects: 10x10 Simulations, Project Simulations.
Wiki Editing Guidelines
Guidelines on how to edit this Wiki
GSSHA™ Download
Current release and research versions of the code can be downloaded here along with tutorial data.