GSSHA Bibliography
[hide]GSSHA Journal Papers
Downer, C. W., N. R. Pradhan, F. L. Ogden, and A. R. Byrd, 2014. Testing the effects of detachment limits and transport capacity formulation on sediment runoff predictions using the US Army Corps of Engineers GSSHA model. JHE, 04014082 1-11, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0001104. 70% contribution.
Pradhan, N. R., C. W. Downer, and B. E. Johnson, 2014. A Physics Based Hydrologic Modeling Approach to Simulate Non-point Source Pollution for the Purposes of Calculating TMDLs and Designing Abatement Measures, Chapter 9 in Practical Aspects of Computational Chemistry-III, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4899-7445-7_1, J. Leszczynski and M. K. Shukla, eds. Springer Science+Business Media, New York. 50% contribution.
Sharif, H.O., S. Chintalapudi, A.A. Hassan, H. Xie, and J. Zeitler. 2013. Physically based hydrologic modeling of the 2002 flood in San Antonio, Texas. J. Hydrol. Eng. 2013.18.228-236.
Zhang, Y. and W. Shuster, 2013. The impacts of spatial distribution of impervious area on runoff response of hillslope catchments - A simulation study. J. Hydrol. Eng. Submitted August 29, 2012; accepted September 5, 2013; posted ahead of print September 7, 2013. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0000905
Ogden, F.L., N.R. Pradhan, C.W. Downer, and J.A. Zahner, 2011. Relative importance of impervious area, drainage density, width function, and subsurface drainage on flood from a urbanized catchment, Water Resour. Res., 47, W12503, doi:10.1029/2011WR010550.
Zeweldi, Dawit A., Mekonnen Gebremichael, Charles W. Downer, 2011: On CMORPH Rainfall for Streamflow Simulation in a Small, Hortonian Watershed. J. Hydrometeor, 12, 456–466. doi:
Paudel, M., J.E. Nelson, C.W. Downer, and R. Hotchkiss, 2011. Comparing the capability of distributed adn lumped hydrologic models for analyzing the effects of land use change. J. Hydroinomatics, 13.3: 461-473.
Sharif, H. O., A. A. Hassan, Sazzad Bin-Shafique, Hongjie Xie, and Jon Zeitler, 2010. Hydrologic Modeling of an Extreme Flood in the Guadalupe River in Texas. J. of American Water Resources Association. 46(5):881-891. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2010.00459.x.
Sharif, H. O., L. Sparks, A. A. Hassan, X. Wang. J. Zeitler, and H. Xie, 2010. Application of a Distributed Hydrologic Model to the November 17, 2004 Flood of Bull Creek Watershed, Austin, Texas. J. of Hydrologic Engineering. 15(8), 651-657. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0000228
Skahill, B., Baggett, J.S., Frankenstein, S., and C W. Downer., 2009. PEST Compatible Efficiency Enhancements for Levenberg-Marquardt Method Based Model Independent Calibration, Environmental Modelling & Software, 24 (2009) 517–529.
Habib E., Malakpet C. G., Tokay A., and P. A. Kucera, 2008. “Sensitivity of streamflow simulations to temporal variability and estimation of Z-R relationships”, ASCE Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 13(12) 1177-1186. DOI: 10.1061/_ASCE_1084-0699_2008_13:12_1177_
Kalin, L. and M.H. Hantush, 2006, Comparative assessment of two distributed watershed models with application to a small watershed, Hydrol. Processes, 20(11):2285-2307.
Downer, C.W., and F.L. Ogden, 2004, Appropriate Vertical Discretization of Richard’s Equation for Two-Dimensional Watershed-Scale Modelling, Hydrological Processes, 18:1-22.
Downer, C.W., and F.L. Ogden, 2004, GSSHA: A model for simulating diverse streamflow generating processes, J. Hydrol. Engrg., 9(3):161-174.
Downer, C.W., and F.L. Ogden, 2004, Prediction of runoff and soil moistures at the watershed scale: Effects of model complexity and parameter assignment, Water Resour. Res., 39(3), 10.1029/2002WR001439.
Levy, J.K., J.E.T. Moncur, and K. Takara, 2006, Introduction: Enhancing the capacity for sustainable watershed management, J. Am. Water Resour. Assn., pp. 1437-1439.
Sharif, H.O., F.L. Ogden, W.F. Krajewski, and M. Xue, 2004, Statistical analysis of radar-rainfall error propagation, J. Hydrometeorology, 5(1):199-212.
Sharif, H.O., F.L. Ogden, W.F. Krajewski, and M. Xue, 2002, Numerical Simulations of Radar-Rainfall Error Propagation, Water Resour. Res., 38(8), 10.1029/2001WR000525.
GSSHA Book Citations
Downer, C. W., F. L. Ogden, W. D. Martin, and R. S. Harmon, 2012. Opportunity-Driven Hydrologic Model Development in US Army Research and Development Programs in Military Hydrogeology, Geologic Society of London.
Downer, C.W., F.L. Ogden, J. M. Niedzialek, and S. Liu, 2006, Gridded Surface/Subsurface Hydrologic Analysis (GSSHA) Model: A Model for Simulating Diverse Streamflow Producing Processes, p. 131-159, in Watershed Models, V.P. Singh, and D. Frevert, eds., Taylor and Francis Group, CRC Press, 637 pp.
Merrel, C.R. 2009. Modeling Overbank Flow and Creating Regional-To-Local-Scale Models using WMS and GSSHA, MS thesis, Brigham Young University.
GSSHA Conference Papers
Downer, C. W., Q. Dong, A. Bryd, and J. Westervelt. 2011. Numerical simulation of hydrology, critical fauna highly dependent on hydrologic conditions, and human induced alterations to hydrology and species population density and distribution. 8th IALE World Congress.
N. Pradhan; C.W. Downer; F.L. Ogden, 2011. Applicability of laboratory scale sediment transport capacity model to watershed scale, AGU Fall Meeting 2011. EP41C-0628.
T.A. Douglas; A.K. Liljedahl; B.N. Astley; C.W. Downer; T.T. Jorgenson; C. Bagley; K. Burks-Copes, 2011. Anticipated impacts of climate warming on ecosystems in Interior Alaska AGU Fall Meeting 2011, abstract C41B-0393.
C.W. Downer; F.L. Ogden. 2011. Representing Watersheds with Physics Based Distributed Hydrologic Models. AGU Fall Meeting 2011, abstract H24G-06.
Dawit A. Zeweldi; Mekonnen Gebremichael, 2011. Error Propagation of Satellite Rainfall Estimates to Simulated Stream Flow Hydrographs in small to medium size watersheds. AGU Fall Meeting 2011, abstract H21F-1192.
Hatim O. Sharif; Singaiah Chintalapudi; Almoutaz El Hassan, 2011. Physically-based Flood Modeling Driven by Radar Rainfall in the Upper Guadalupe River Basin, Texas. AGU Fall Meeting 2011, abstract H41G-1145.
Singaiah Chintalapudi; Hatim O. Sharif; Subash Yeggina; Almoutaz El Hassan 2011.Physically-based, Hydrologic Simulations Driven by Three Precipitation Products. AGU Fall Meeting 2011, abstract H41G-1143.
Downer, C. W., F. L. Ogden, N. Pradhan, M. Paudel, A. Byrd, C. A. Talbot, and J. Nelson, 2010. Development and application of physics-based hydrologic models for simulation of difficult hydrologic modeling scenarios, AGU Fall Meeting 2010, Abstract #H431-05.
Hendrickx, J. M. H., Pradhan, N. R., Hong, S.-H., Ogden, F. L., Byrd, A.R. & Toll, D. 2009. Improvement of hydrologic model soil moisture predictions using SEBAL evapotranspiration estimates. Proceedings of the International Society for Optical Engineering, 7303, 11–13.
Downer, C. W. 2009. Matching model complexity with project requirements and data availability. AGU Fall Meeting 2009, Abstract H23L-03.
Ogden, F.L., N. Pradhan, C. W. Downer 2009. Uncertainty in tile drain locations: Implications for hydrologic modeling of agricultural watersheds. AGU Fall Meeting 2009, abstract #H41E-0964.
Pradhan, N., Downer, C.W., F.L. Ogden, and A. Byrd. 2009. Effect of subsurface storm drainage network on flood frequency in urbanized catchments. AGU Fall Meeting 2009, abstract #H41F-0965.
Zeweldi, D.A., M. Gremichael, and C.W. Downer 2009. How good are satellite rainfall products for hydrologic simulations of small watersheds. AGU Fall Meeting 2009, Abstract H21A-0815.
Downer, C. W. and F. L. Ogden, 2009. Application of Physics Based Distributed Hydrologic Models to Assess Anthropologic Land Disturbance in Watersheds, Abstracts – AGU Fall Conference, 2009.
Billy E. Johnson, Terry K. Gerald, William F. James, Charles W. Downer, and Aaron R. Byrd, July 2009, "Demonstration of a Physically Based Distributed Watershed Water Quality Model (Gridded Surface Sub-Surface Hydrologic Analysis Model) - Eau Galle Watershed, Wisconsin", 3rd National Conference on Ecosystem Restoration (NCER), Los Angeles, CA.
Downer, C. W., 2007. Gridded Surface/Subsurface Hydrologic Analysis (GGSHA): The Working Man’s Distributed Hydrologic Model, Abstract Proceedings of the American Water Resources Association 2007 Annual Conference, AWRA.
Downer, C. W., 2007. GSSHA: The Army Corps of Engineers Physics-Based Hydrologic, Sediment Transport, and Contaminant Transport Application Model, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Infrastructure Systems Conference (ISC), engineering in an increasingly complex world: what does the future hold?, June 25-29, 2007, Society of American Military Engineers.
Bohra, D.K., G. Yagow, A. Saleh, P.L. Barnes, W. Rosenthal, E.C. Krug, L.M. Hauck, Sediment and Nutrient Modeling for TMDL Development and Implementation, Paper number 062295, 2006 ASAE Annual Meeting.
Byrd, A., F.L. Ogden, R. Jenkins, J.M. Niedzialek, and E.J. Nelson, 2006, Modeling Wetlands in a Multi-Dimensional Hydrologic Model, 3rd Federal Interagency Hydrologic Modeling Conference, April 2-6, Reno, Nevada.
Byrd, A., J.M. Niedzialek, and F.L. Ogden, 2006, Modeling Storm and Tile Drains in a Multi-Dimensional Hydrologic Model, 3rd Federal Interagency Hydrologic Modeling Conference, April 2-6, Reno, Nevada.
Downer, C. W. and F. L. Ogden, 2006. Distributed Hydrologic Models: Can we reduce complexity and simulate multiple processes in a watershed?, Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H41-9459.
Wallace, R. M., A. Byrd, C. Butler, N. L. Jones, R. D. Jones, 2005, Generic Model Data Format, European Simulation Interoperability Workshop by the Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization, June 27-29, Toulouse, France.
Downer, C.W., J. Jorgeson, F.L. Ogden, P.Y. Julien, W.D. Martin, E. Edris, R.S. Harmon, E. Meselhe, and J. Nelson, 2003, The Case for Physically-Based Distributed Hydrologic Modeling Approaches for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Civil Works Projects, Proc., U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Hydraulics and Hydrology Conference, Portland, OR, 12-15 May.
Hendricks, J.M.H., Pradhan, N.R., Hong, S., Ogden, F.L., Byrd, A.R., Toll, D. "Improvement of Hydrologic Model Soil Moisture Predictions Using SEBAL Evapotranspiration Estimates" SPIE Conference, Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Hydrology XI, Proceedings of SPIE Volume 7472.
Downer, C. W., 2003. Using Green and Ampt with redistribution to simulate groundwater recharge at the watershed scale, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, AGU 2003 Fall Meeting 84(6), 18 November 2003 F725.
Hunter, S., B. Vieux, F. Ogden, J. Niedzialek, C. Downer, J. Addeigo, J. Daraio, 2003, A Test of Two Distributed Hydrologic Models with WSR-88D Radar Precipitation Data Input in Arizona, Proc. 31st International Conf. on Radar Meteorology, Am. Met. Soc., 6-12 Aug., Seattle, Washington.
Jourdan, M.R., and F.L. Ogden, 2003, Hybrid Hydrologic Modeling: Conceptual Groundwater Modeling Coupled With Distributed Hydrologic Model, Proc. EWRI World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, Paper No. 818, June 22-26, Philadelphia, PA.
Niedzialek, J.M., and F.L. Ogden, 2003, Physics-Based Distributed Rainfall-Runoff Modelling of Urbanized Watersheds with GSSHA, Proc. EWRI World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, Paper No. 785, June 22-26, Philadelphia, PA.
Ogden, F.L., C.W. Downer, and E.A. Meselhe, 2003, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers GSSHA Model: Distributed-Parameter, Physically-Based Watershed Simulations, Proc. EWRI World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, Paper No. 709, June 22-26, Philadelphia, PA. Downer, C.W., F.L. Ogden, W. Martin, and R.S. Harmon, 2002, Theory, Development, and Applicability of the Surface Water Hydrologic Model CASC2D, Hydrological Processes, 16(2):255-275.
Ogden, F.L. and C.W. Downer, 2000, The Role of Rainfall in Physics-Based Hydrologic Model Performance , COST Symposium on the Future of Distributed Hydrologic Modelling, Leuven, Belgium, April 10-14, 2000.
Downer, C. W. and S. E. Howington, 2001. Development and testing of surface water/groundwater interaction simulation capabilities for the Department of Defense, Bridging the Gap, Proceedings of the World Water and Environmental Resources Congress, May 20-24, 2001, Orlando Florida, D. Phelps and G. Sehlke, Eds., American Society of Civil Engineers.
Niedzialek, J.N, C. W. Downer, and F. L. Ogden, 2001. Surface-water / groundwater interactions: a difficult distributed model calibration problem, AGU abstracts, AGU Spring Meeting, May 2001.
Downer C. W., J. N. Neidzialik, S. E. Howington, F. L. Ogden, 2000. Scale effects in application of Richard's Equation to calculate groundwater recharge at the watershed scale, 2000 Fall Meeting, December 15-19, 2000, San Francisco, California, Eos Trans. AGU Vol. 81, No. 48, November 28.
GSSHA ERDC Technical Notes / Reports
Follum, M. L., and C.W. Downer, Snow water equivalent modeling capabilities of the GSSHA watershed model. 2012. ERDC/CHL TR-13-4.
Skahill, B. E., C. W. Downer, and J. S. Baggett. 2012. A Practical Guide to Calibration of a GSSHA Hydrologic Model using ERDC Automated Model Calibration Software – Efficient Local Search, “SWWRP Technical Notes Collection, ERDC TN-SWWRP-12-3, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.
Skahill, B. E., C. W. Downer, and J. S. Baggett. 2012. A Practical Guide to Calibration of a GSSHA Hydrologic Model using ERDC Automated Model Calibration Software – Effective and Efficient Stochastic Global Optimization, “SWWRP Technical Notes Collection, ERDC TN-SWWRP-12-2, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.
Downer, C.W., F. L. Ogden, N. Pradhan, S. Liu, A. R. Byrd (2010). "Improved Soil Erosion and Sediment Transport in GSSHA." ERDC TN-SWWRP-10-3. Vicksburg, MS: U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center.
Downer, Charles W. (2009). " Simulation of Reactive Constituent Fate and Transport in Hydrologic Simulator GSSHA." ERDC TN-SWWRP-09-2. Vicksburg, MS: U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center.
Downer, C. W., Demonstration of GSSHA Hydrology at Goodwin Creek Experimental Watershed, ERDC TN-SWWRP-08-3, March 2008.
Downer, C. W., Demonstration of GSSHA Hydrology and Sediment at Eau Galle Watershed near Spring Valley, Wisconsin, ERDC-TN-SWRPP-08-2, February 2008.
Downer, C.W., Ogden, F.L., Neidzialek, J., Byrd, A.R. (2008) Non-orthogonal channel and reservoir routing in GSSHA. ERDC TN-SWWRP-08-5. Vicksburg, MS: U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center.
Downer, C. W., Development of a Simple Soil Moisture Model in the Hydrologic Simulator GSSHA, ERDC-TN-SWWRP-07-8, October 2007.
Downer, C. W., and A. R. Byrd. 2007. Watershed scale TMDL model: Multi-dimensional sediment erosion, transport, and fate. ERDC TN-SWWRP-07-1. Vicksburg, MS: U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center.
Downer, C.W., and F.L. Ogden, 2006, Gridded Surface Subsurface Hydrologic Analysis (GSSHA) User's Manual, Version 1.43 for Watershed Modeling System 6.1, System Wide Water Resources Program, Coastal and Hydraulics Laboratory, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center, ERDC/CHL SR-06-1, 207 pp.
Fong, M. T., C. W. Downer, and A. R. Byrd. 2007. A GSSHA model of the Perris Basin of the San Jacinto River Watershed, Riverside County, California. Vicksburg, MS: Coastal and Hydraulics Engineering Technical Note ERDC/CHL CHETN III-76, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center,
Downer, C. W., James, W. F., Byrd, A. and Eggers, G. W. (2002). "Gridded surface subsurface hydrologic analysis (GSSHA) model simulation of hydrologic conditions and restoration scenarios for the Judicial Ditch 31 Watershed, Minnesota," Water Quality Technical Notes Collection (ERDC WQTN-AM-12), U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.
Downer, C. W., Nelson, E. J., and Byrd, A. (2002). "Primer: Using Watershed Modeling Systems (WMS) for Gridded Surface Subsurface Hydrologic Analysis (GSSHA) Data Development -- WMS 6.1 and GSSHA 1.43C," ERDC/CHL TR-03-2, U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS.
CASC2D Papers
Downer, C. W., F. L. Ogden, W. Martin, and R. S. Harmon, Theory, development, and applicability of the surface water hydrologic model CASC2D, Hydrological Processes, 16: 255-275, 2002.
Doe, WW; Saghafian, B; Julien, PY. 1996. Land-Use Impact on Watershed Response: the Integration of Two-Dimensional Hydrological Modeling and Geographical Information Systems. Hydrological Processes, 10: 1503-1511.
Johnson, BE. 1997. Development of a Storm Event Based Two-Dimensional Upland Erosion Model. Ph.D. dissertation, Colorado State University. Fort Collins (Colorado). 254 pp.
Johnson, BE; Julien, PY; Molnar, DK; Watson, CC. 2000. The Two-Dimensional-Upland Erosion Model CASC2D-SED. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 36 (1): 31-42.
Jorgeson, JD. 1999. Peak Flow Analysis Using a Two-Dimensional Watershed Model With Radar Precipitation Data. Ph.D. dissertation, Colorado State University. Fort Collins (Colorado). 194 pp.
Julien, PY; Molnar, DK; Johnson, BE; Combs, PG. 1998. Flood Forecasting Reaches New Potential. Eos electronic. American Geophysical Union. Accessed on: Dec., 1998
Julien, PY; Saghafian, B. 1991. CASC2D Users Manual - A Two Dimensional Watershed Rainfall-Runoff Model. Civil Engr. Report, CER90-91PYJ-BS-12. Colorado State University, Fort Collins. 66 pp.
Julien, PY; Saghafian, B; Ogden, FL. 1995. Raster-Based Hydrologic Modeling of Spatially- Varied Surface Runoff. Water Resources Bulletin, 31 (3): 523-536.
Lai, Y.G., 2005, River and Watershed Modeling: Current Effort and Future Direction, US-China Workshop on Advance Computational Modelling in Hydroscience and Engineering, Sept. 19-21, 2005, Oxford, Mississippi, USA.
Molnar, DK. 1997. Grid Size Selection for 2-D Hydrologic Modeling of Large Watersheds. Ph.D. dissertation, Colorado State University. Fort Collins (Colorado). 201 pp.
Ogden, FL. 1994. De-St Venant Channel Routing in Distributed Hydrologic Modeling. In Cotroneo, GV; RumerR.R. (Eds.). Proc. Hydraulic Engineering `94, ASCE Hydraulics Specialty Conference.: 492-496.
Ogden, FL. 1997a. CASC2D Reference Manual. Version 1.17. 105 pp.
Ogden, FL. 1997b. Primer: Using WMS for CASC2D Data Development. 52 pp.
Ogden, FL; Julien, PY. 1993. Runoff Sensitivity to Temporal and Spatial Rainfall Variability at Runoff Plane and Small Basin Scales. Water Resources Research, 29 (8): 2589-2597.
Ogden, F.L., and P.Y. Julien, 2002, Distributed model CASC2D, in Mathematical Models of Small Watershed Hydrology, Vol 2, V.P. Singh, R. Frevert, and D. Meyers eds., Water Resources Publications, ISBN 1-887201-35-1, 972 pp.
Ogden, F.L, and A. Heilig, 2001, Two-dimensional watershed scale erosion modeling with CASC2D, in Landscape Erosion and Evolution Modeling, R. Harmon, and W.W. Doe III, eds., Kluwer Academic Press, New York, ISBN 0-306-4618-6, 535 pp.
Ogden, F.L., J. Garbrecht, P.A. DeBarry, and L.E. Johnson, 2001, GIS and Distributed Watershed Models. II: Modules, Interfaces, and Models, J. Hydrologic Engineering, 6(6):515-523.
Ogden, F.L., J.M. Niedzialek, B. Smith, E.A. Meselhe, and G. S. Warner, 2001, Physics-Based Distributed Rainfall-Runoff Modeling of Urbanized Areas with CASC2D, Proc. (CD-ROM) ASCE Urban Drainage Modeling Symposium, Orlando, FL, May 2000.
Downer, C.W., B. E. Johnson, F.L. Ogden and E. Meselhe, 2000, Advances in Physically Based Hydrologic Modeling with CASC2D, Proc. (CD-ROM) ASCE Watershed Management Conference, Fort Collins, Colorado, June 2000.
Ogden, F.L., and H.O. Sharif, 2000, Rainfall Input for Distributed Hydrologic Modeling- The Case for Radar, Proc., (CD-ROM) ASCE Watershed Management Conference, Fort Collins, Colorado, June.
Ogden, F.L., and S.U.S. Senarath, 1997, “Continuous, Distributed-Parameter Hydrologic Modeling with CASC2D”, Proc. 27th Congress of the International Association of Hydraulic Research, San Francisco, CA, August 10-15, Theme A, pp.864-869.
Ogden, FL; Sharif, HO; Senarath, SUS; Smith, JA; Baeck, ML; Richardson, JR. 2000. Hydrologic Analysis of the Fort Collins, Colorado, Flash Flood of 1997 . Journal of Hydrology, 228 (1-2): 82-100.
Saghafian, B. 1992. Hydrologic Analysis of Watershed Response to Spatially Varied Infiltration. Ph.D. dissertation, Colorado State University. Fort Collins , CO. 215 pp. pp.
Saghafian, B. 1993. Implementation of a Distributed Hydrologic Model Within Geographic Resources Analysis Support System (GRASS). In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Integrating Environmental Models and GIS. Breckenridge, CO.
Senarath, SUS; Ogden, FL; Downer, CW; Sharif, HO. 2000. On the Calibration and Verification of Two-Dimensional, Distributed, Hortonian, Continuous Watershed Models. Water Resources Research, 36 (6): 1495-1510.
Spah, JA. 2000. Rainfall Runoff and the Effects of Initial Soil Moisture Associated With the Little Washita River Watershed, Oklahoma . Master Thesis, Colorado State University. Fort Collins (Colorado). 140 pp.
Zarriello, PJ. 1998. Comparison of Nine Uncalibrated Runoff Models to Observed Flows in Two Small Urban Watersheds. Eos Electronic.