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GSSHA will accept many types of data in table formats that WMS does not currently support. Some of these tables are too large to be effectively input with WMS, such as the rainfall input table. Others are either formats that are available in addition to the formats supported by WMS, or haven’t yet been incorporated into the WMS system.

13.1 Spatially and Temporally Varied Precipitation

This file, described in Section 6.2, is used to describe the rainfall distribution, both spatially and temporally. This file is the only method to describe temporally or spatially varied rainfall.

13.2 Soil Layer Input File

The soil layer input file can be specified by inserting the SOIL_LAYER_INPUT_FILE card in the project file and providing the name of the file that contains the soil layer table. The soil layer input file is used to assign parameter values for use with the three-layer Green and Ampt model (INF_LAYERED_SOIL) and can be used to assign parameters for the Richards’ equation with long-term simulations. The SOIL_LAYER_INPUT_FILE, as described in Section 7.3, must be used to provide inputs for the three layers Green and Ampt model (INF_LAYERED_SOIL). The soil layer input file can also be used to create a condensed form of the information that is provided when the Mapping Table file is used to assign parameter values for the Richards’ equation (INF_RICHARDS). It is useful for automated calibrations when the input files must be repeatedly written out for multiple simulations. The format is not supported by WMS, so the table must be constructed with other software outside of WMS and the project file annotated. An index map must be specified with the SOIL_TYPE_MAP project card. This card names a GRASS ASCII map with integer values related to the IDs in the SOIL_LAYER_INPUT_FILE table. For use with RE, the file has the following two formats depending on whether the RICHARD_C_OPTION is BROOKS or HAVERCAMP.

  • # Soils in the table (N)
  • Maximum number of cells of any soil in table
  • For each Soils from 1 to N:
  • Soil ID#  albedo   vegetation ht (m)    transmission coefficient    canopy resistance (m/s)
Ks11 θs11 θr11 θi11 θWP11 d11 Α11 Β11 A11 B11 Δz11
Ks12 θs12 θr12 θi12 θWP12 d12 Α12 Β12 A12 B12 Δz12
Ks13 θs13 θr13 θi13 θWP13 d13 Α13 Β13 A13 B13 Δz13
Ks - saturated hydraulic conductivity (cm/hr),
θs - porosity (m3/m3),
θr - residual saturation (m3/m3),
θi - initial water content (m3/m3),
θWP - wilting point water content (m3/m3),
d - depth of layer (cm).
Α and Β - Parameters used to fit water content/head curve,
A and B - parameters used to fit hydraulic conductivity/head curve,
Δz - vertical increment space step (cm).

The subscripts refer to the soil number and layer number, respectively, so that Ks12 is the hydraulic conductivity of soil 1 layer 2.

Ks11 θs11 θr11 θi11 θWP11 d11 λ11 ψb11 Δz11
Ks12 θs12 θr12 θi12 θWP12 d12 λ12 ψb12 Δz12
Ks13 θs13 θr13 θi13 θWP13 d13 λ13 ψb13 Δz13
where: λ is the pore distribution index (dimensionless), and ψb – bubbling pressure (cm) (ψb values MUST be negative).

Example Data Set for Sand: 1 Soil with uniform layers, 70 cm deep, Brooks and Corey parameters, 1.0 cm vertical discretization for all layers. For the ET parameters: land surface albedo - 0.1, vegetation height - 0.2 m, transmission coefficient - 0.8, and canopy resistance – 100 m/s.

1  0.1  0.2  0.8  100.0
   34.16    0.287   0.000  0.100  0.08   5.0  0.84  -19.60  1.0
   34.16    0.287   0.000  0.100  0.08  35.0  0.84  -19.60  1.0
   34.16    0.287   0.000  0.100  0.08  30.0  0.84  -19.60  1.0

Example Data - Same Soil, Havercamp Parameters, same ET variables

1 0.1  0.2  0.8  100.0
34.00  0.287   0.075  0.100 0.075   5.0   35.5  3.96   1175000 4.74 1.0
34.00  0.287   0.075  0.100 0.075  35.0   35.5  3.96   1175000 4.74 1.0
34.00  0.287   0.075  0.100 0.075  30.0   35.5  3.96   1175000 4.74 1.0 

Example Data Set - 7 soils with varying layer properties, each 1 meter deep, Brooks and Corey parameters, 7 different ET parameter sets

1   0.1  0.2  0.8  100.0
   34.16    0.287   0.000  0.100   0.08    10.0  0.84  -19.60  1.0
   34.16    0.287   0.000  0.100   0.08    40.0  0.84  -19.60  1.0
   34.16    0.287   0.000  0.100   0.08    50.0  0.84  -19.60  1.0
2  0.2  0.2  0.8   100.0
    0.0428  0.495   0.055  0.4950  0.055    1.0  0.25  -18.1   1.0
    0.0428  0.495   0.055  0.2376  0.055   49.0  0.25  -18.1   1.0
    0.0428  0.495   0.055  0.2376  0.055   50.0  0.25  -18.1   1.0
3  0.2  0.1  0.6  100.0
    3.9000  0.420   0.130  0.200   0.13    10.0  0.51  -141    1.0
    3.9000  0.420   0.130  0.200   0.13    40.0  0.51  -141    1.0   
    3.9000  0.420   0.130  0.200   0.13    50.0  0.51  -141    1.0
4  0.1  0.2  0.6  150.0
    0.0428  0.495   0.055  0.495   0.055    1.0  0.25  -18.1   1.0
    0.0428  0.495   0.055  0.2376  0.055    4.0  0.25  -18.1   1.0   
    3.9000  0.420   0.130  0.200   0.13    50.0  0.51  -141    1.0
5  0.15  0.2  0.4  25.0
    0.0428  0.495   0.055  0.495   0.055    1.0  0.25  -18.1   1.0
    0.0428  0.495   0.055  0.2376  0.055    4.0  0.25  -18.1   1.0
   34.16    0.287   0.000  0.100   0.08    50.0  0.84  -19.60  1.0
6  0.17  0.25  0.15  200.0
   34.16    0.287   0.000  0.100   0.08    45.0  0.84  -19.60  1.0
    0.0428  0.495   0.055  0.2376  0.055   10.0  0.25  -18.1   1.0
   34.16    0.287   0.000  0.100   0.08    45.0  0.84  -19.60  1.0
7  0.22  0.3  0.25  75.0
    0.0428  0.495   0.055  0.4     0.055    5.0  0.25  -18.1   1.0
   34.16    0.287   0.000  0.100   0.08    90.0  0.84  -19.60  1.0
    0.0428  0.495   0.055  0.4     0.055    5.0  0.25  -18.1   1.0

13.3 Static Pumping Wells

Static pumping well data for groundwater simulations must be input using the GW_FLUX_BOUNDTABLE as described in Section 8.5.2 or using the well mapping table.

13.4 Hydrometeorological Input File

For continuous, LONG_TERM, simulations, hourly hydrometeorological variables must be input using the HMET_WES, HMET_SAMPSON, or HMET_SURFAWAY project cards. The formats of these files are described in Sections,, and, respectively.