Alternate Run Modes:ERDC Automated Model Calibration Software
ERDC Automated Model Calibration Software
Research at the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) has focused on the development of methodologies, or improvement of the efficiency of native algorithms, for the computer-based calibration of hydrologic and environmental models (wherein by efficiency we mean the number of forward model calls necessary for the calibration algorithm to converge on a solution). Our software is written to accommodate a popular model independent and input control file protocol. Two ERDC Technical Reports published in early 2012 demonstrate, by way of example(s), how to use the ERDC implementations of (1) the Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) local search method , and also the Secant LM (SLM) method, an efficiency enhancement to the LM method, and (2) the stochastic global optimization method MLSL, which uses our LM/SLM method for local searches, to calibrate, in a model independent manner, a Gridded Surface Subsurface Hydrologic Analysis (GSSHA) hydrologic model. The two noted technical reports, their related appendix material, and all of the files associated with the examples discussed in each respective report are provided directly below. Following the initial efforts documented in the two noted technical reports, the LM/SLM and MLSL methods, as well as the stochastic global optimization methods multistart (MS) and trajectory repulsion (TR), which also use the ERDC LM/SLM method implementations for local searches, were directly interfaced with the GSSHA model such that they can be treated as alternate GSSHA run modes. Hence, there are four alternate GSSHA run modes that employ ERDC model calibration software, and their practical use is discussed in sections 18.6.1 - 18.6.4, respectively. For further assistance with using the independent ERDC LM, SLM, and MLSL implementations to calibrate a GSSHA hydrologic model in a model independent manner, or with using any one of the four GSSHA alternate run modes, please contact Brian Skahill at or 503-808-3973, or the principal GSSHA hydrologic model developer Charles W. Downer at
Model Independent Calibration
A Practical Guide to Calibration of a GSSHA Hydrologic Model Using ERDC Automated Model Calibration Software - Efficient Local Search
ERDC-CHL-TR-12-3 Appendix Material
Example problems for ERDC-CHL-TR-12-3
A Practical Guide to Calibration of a GSSHA Hydrologic Model Using ERDC Automated Model Calibration Software - Effective and Efficient Stochastic Global Optimization
ERDC-CHL-TR-12-2 Appendix Material
Example problems for ERDC-CHL-TR-12-2
Four Alternate GSSHA Run Modes
For further assistance with using the independent ERDC LM, SLM, and MLSL implementations to calibrate a GSSHA hydrologic model, in a model independent manner, please contact Brian Skahill at
GSSHA User's Manual
- 18 Alternate Run Modes
- 18.1 MPI and OpenMP Parallelization
- 18.2 Simulation Setup for Alternate Run Modes
- 18.3 Batch Mode Runs
- 18.4 Automated Calibration with Shuffled Complex Evolution
- 18.5 Monte Carlo Runs
- 18.6 ERDC Automated Model Calibration Software
- 18.6.1 Efficient Local Search
- 18.6.2 Multistart
- 18.6.3 Trajectory Repulsion
- 18.6.4 Effective and Efficient Stochastic Global Optimization
- 18.7 Inset Models
- 18.8 Working with the GSSHA DLL Library
- 18.9 Working with the GSSHA Python Interface