Project File:Constituent Transport – Optional
From Gsshawiki
[hide]3.11.1 Contaminant Transport - Required
Card | Argument | Description |
none | Specifies overland contaminant transport. |
3.11.2 Contaminant Transport Parameters – Required
Contaminant transport parameters must be specified in the Mapping Table. See description of inputs in Mapping Table Section - Chapter 12
3.11.3 Optional Inputs
Card | Argument | Units | Default | Description |
none | not simulating constituent in soils; | Specifies active soil contaminant tranport. Requires GREEN_AMPT INF_REDIST or INF_LAYERED_SOIL | |
real | m | TOP_LAYER_DEPTH or depth of the top layer in the multi-layer G&A method | Depth of active mixing layer. Requires GREEN_AMPT INF_REDIST or INF_LAYERED_SOIL. |
none | surface soil concentration not static | Concentration in the surface soil layer will be static for the duration of the simulation. Requires SOIL_CONTAM. | |
none | fluxes between soil layers computed | No flux of constituents between soil layers due to water fluxes. Uptake from soil surface still occurs. Requires SOIL_CONTAM. | |
CONTAM_MAP filename |
file name | Kg or mg/Kg | get values from mapping table | File name that contains map of contaminant loadings (Kg), or soil concentration (mg/Kg) if SOIL_CONTAM card is specified, for simple constituent one. Values for all other constituents will be prescribed with the mapping table. All other values in the mapping table will apply for constituent one. |
none | no channel contaminant transport | Specifies active channel contaminant transport. | |
real | d-1 | 0.0 | First order decay coefficient of constituents in channel |
real | (m2 s-1) | 0.0 | Channel dispersion coefficient. |
OUT_CON_LOCATION "filename.ocl" |
file name | ppb | Output file containing columns, first of time then constiuent concentration (ppb) for each constituent. Valid only with CHAN_EXPLIC or DIFFUSIVE_WAVE. Requires IN_HYD_LOCATION. Outputs concentrations for each contaminant at each link/node pair in the IN_HYD_LOCATION file in the order listed in the IN_HYD_LOCATION file and the contaminant mapping table file. | |
OUT_MASS_LOCATION "filename.oml" |
file name | g s-1 | Output file containing columns, first of time then constiuent mass flux (g s-1) for each constituent. Valid only with CHAN_EXPLIC or DIFFUSIVE_WAVE. Requires IN_HYD_LOCATION. Outputs dissolved mass (followed by sorbed mass if doing SED_CONTAM) for each contaminant at each link/node pair in the IN_HYD_LOCATION file in the order listed in the IN_HYD_LOCATION file and the contaminant mapping table file. | |
none | Specifies that all contaminant information is output for every overland cell, every channel node, and every soil cell/layer every MAP_FREQ and HYD_FREQ, respectively. Maps of overland concentration and mass are written for every constituent using the constituent name in the mapping table with the extensions "conc" and "mass", respectively. Tables of concentraion and mass for every channel node are written for every constituent using the constituent name in the mapping table with the extensions "chan.conc" and "chan.mass", respectively. Use of this option can result in an enormous amout of data being written. |
GSSHA User's Manual
- 3 Project File
- 3.1 Required Inputs
- 3.2 Mapping Table – Optional
- 3.3 Overland Flow – Required
- 3.4 Interception – Optional
- 3.5 Rainfall Input and Options – Required
- 3.6 Infiltration – Optional
- 3.7 Channel Routing – Optional
- 3.8 Continuous Simulations – Optional
- 3.9 Saturated Groundwater Flow – Optional
- 3.10 Soil Erosion – Optional
- 3.11 Constituent Transport – Optional
- 3.12 Subsurface Drainage Network – Optional
- 3.13 Output Files – Required