Project File:Saturated Groundwater Flow – Optional
From Gsshawiki
[hide]3.9.1 Required Inputs
These cards are REQUIRED to perform 2-D lateral groundwater simulations.
CARD | Argument | Units | Description |
WATER_TABLE "filename.wte" |
file name | Specifies the simulation of the effect of the water table on the RE solver, gives GRASS ASCII map name of starting groundwater surface elevations (m). | |
none | Specifies the simulation of 2-D groundwater flow. INF_RICHARDS or INF_REDIST required. | |
real | s | Time step for groundwater computations |
GW_LSOR_CON ##.## |
real | m | Convergence criteria for LSOR calculations. Required with INF_RICHARDS only. |
real | m | Size of unsaturated cell to use in all cells below the soil column specified in the SOIL_LAYER_INPUT_FILE or Mapping Table. Required with INF_RICHARDS only |
real | none | Factor to over-relax or under-relax next estimate in LSOR calculations. Required with INF_RICHARDS only. Values greater than 1.0 over-relax, values less than 1.0 under-relax. Increase value to speed solution. Decrease value when solution doesn't converge. |
file name | name | Name of GRASS ASCII map of bedrock elevations (m). |
GW_BOUNDFILE "filename.bnd" |
file name | name | Name of GRASS ASCII map that contains the boundary type of each cell. (0) no flow (1) no boundary, regular infiltration cell (2) specified head, taken from WATER_TABLE file (3) dynamic flux (well), not yet available (4) river with calculated flux to/from groundwater (5) river with specified head, value from channel solver (6) static flux (well), value taken from GW_FLUX_BOUNDTABLE (7) reservoir |
3.9.2 Optional Inputs
Card | Argument | Units | Default | Description |
none | When simulating saturated groundwater, assign initial values of moisture in each cell of the unsaturated zone using values in the SOIL_LAYER_INPUT_FILE. Used only with INF_RICHARDS
| ||
real | Uniform porosity to be used in every cell in the groundwater problem | ||
GW_POROSITY_MAP "filename.por" |
file name | Name of GRASS ASCII map containing porosity values for each cell
| ||
real | cm/hr | Uniform hydraulic conductivity used in every cell in the groundwater problem
| |
GW_HYCOND_MAP "filename.hyd" |
file name | Name of GRASS ASCII map containing hydraulic conductivity (cm hr-1) values for each cell in the groundwater problem
| ||
K_RIVER ##.## |
real | cm/hr | Hydraulic conductivity (cm hr-1) of streambed material. Use in conjunction with CHAN_EXPLIC and GW_BOUNDFILE type 4. May also be distributed in CHAN_INPUT file. | |
M_RIVER ##.## |
real | cm | Depth of streambed material (m). Use in conjunction with CHAN_EXPLIC and GW_BOUNDFILE type 4. May also be distributed in CHAN_INPUT file. | |
GW_FLUXBOUNDTABLE "filename.flx" |
file name | Input ASCII file containing location and pumping rate of wells in the grid. Locations should correspond to GW_BOUNDFILE. | ||
real | cm/hr | 0.0 | Rate of water loss out of the bottom of the shallow aquifer. |
real | fraction | 0.75 | Fraction of soil saturation for the unsaturated groundwater media when using GAR |
- Values for porosity (θs) and saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) may be specified in one of four (4) ways:
- Without specifying one of the two types of cards above, θs and/or Ks values for each cell will be assigned the value of bottom layer of the SOIL_LAYER_INPUT_FILE for the soil type as specified in the SOIL_TYPE_MAP.
- Uniform values of θs or Ks may be specified using the appropriate card above.
- GRASS ASCII maps of θs or Ks values for each cell may be assigned by using the appropriate card above.
- Values may be assigned in the MAPPING_TABLE
3.9.3 Optional Output
CARD | Argument | Description |
file name | Filename to output groundwater head (m) MAP_TYPE maps every MAP_FREQ time steps. |
OUT_WELL_LOCATION "filename.iwl" |
file name | Input ASCII file containing the locations of observation wells. Values of groundwater head at each location in the file specified in OUT_WELL_LOCATION will be output every MAP_FREQ time steps in the GW_WELL_LEVEL file. |
GW_WELL_LEVEL "filename.owl" |
file name | File name to output groundwater heads every HYD_FREQ time steps at locations specified in OUT_WELL_LOCATION. |
IN_GWFLUX_LOCATION "filename.igf" |
file name | Name of input ASCII file containing the link/node pairs to write out stream/groundwater exchange flux ordinates to the file specified by OUT_GWFLUX_LOCATION. |
OUT_GWFLUX_LOCATION "filename.ogf" |
file name | File name to ouput stream groundwater exchange flus (m2 s-1) at locations specified in IN_GWFLUX_LOCATION file every HYD_FREQ minutes. Requires CHAN_EXPLIC or DIFFUSIVE_WAVE, CHAN_CON_TRANS, and IN_GWFLUX_LOCATION |
GSSHA User's Manual
- 3 Project File
- 3.1 Required Inputs
- 3.2 Mapping Table – Optional
- 3.3 Overland Flow – Required
- 3.4 Interception – Optional
- 3.5 Rainfall Input and Options – Required
- 3.6 Infiltration – Optional
- 3.7 Channel Routing – Optional
- 3.8 Continuous Simulations – Optional
- 3.9 Saturated Groundwater Flow – Optional
- 3.10 Soil Erosion – Optional
- 3.11 Constituent Transport – Optional
- 3.12 Subsurface Drainage Network – Optional
- 3.13 Output Files – Required