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- ...necessary parameters required for the desired options. An example project file is shown below:1 KB (204 words) - 21:07, 21 June 2008
->CONTAM_MAP filename</pre> || ''file name'' || Kg or mg/Kg || || File name that contains map of contaminant loadings (Kg), or soil concentration ...LOCATION "filename.ocl"</pre> || ''file name'' || ppb || || Output file containing columns, first of time then constiuent concentration (ppb) for e3 KB (429 words) - 18:53, 25 February 2009
- #REDIRECT [[Project File:Output Files – Required]]52 bytes (6 words) - 18:53, 25 February 2009
- | <pre>CHANNEL_INPUT "filename.cif"</pre> || ''file name'' || Input ASCII file containing channel network connectivity and cross-sectional information for | <pre>STREAM_CELL "filename.gst"</pre> || ''file name'' || Input ASCII file containing channel/grid connectivity information.8 KB (1,142 words) - 18:11, 5 April 2013
- ...hat processes run, when they run, and what output is returned. The project file references many other files. These files often differ in name by not much m ...nts. Please refer to Chapter 3 of the Manual, which describes the project file, and projects cards in detail.26 KB (3,971 words) - 14:55, 13 October 2023
- ...that contains integers indexed to tabular values. Throughout the manual, project card names will be presented in '''BOLD CAPITAL''' letters; arguments appea ...rameter values for any process, the '''MAPPING_TABLE''' card is used. For project cards related to input parameters the units, if any, of the input argument1 KB (245 words) - 17:01, 2 July 2008
- ...e lists all required project file card, which must be present in a project file. In addition to these cards, a method of assigning rainfall and overland r ...SHAPROJECT</pre> || ''none'' || This card must appear first in the project file2 KB (351 words) - 05:32, 22 July 2008
- | <pre>WATER_TABLE "filename.wte"</pre> || ''file name'' || || Specifies the simulation of the effect of the water tab | <pre>AQUIFER_BOTTOM ""</pre> || ''file name'' || name || Name of GRASS ASCII map of bedrock elevations (m).6 KB (902 words) - 20:30, 19 June 2013
- | <pre>MAPPING_TABLE "filename.cmt"</pre> || ''filename'' || Input ASCII file that assigns grid-based parameter values based on grid index maps. | <pre>ST_MAPPING_TABLE "filename.smt"</pre> || ''filename'' || Input ASCII file that assigns link/node parameter values based on stream index maps.512 bytes (73 words) - 18:48, 25 February 2009
- ...r of these cards if roughness values are to be read from the Mapping Table file. ...ire watershed. Mutually exclusive with '''ROUGHNESS''' and Mapping Table file assignment.3 KB (447 words) - 16:33, 14 August 2009
- .../pre> || || Do interception using data present in the Mapping Table file. ...tial interception abstraction (mm). Mutually exclusive with Mapping Table file assignment.715 bytes (96 words) - 18:49, 25 February 2009
- ...ot both, PRECIP_UNIF or PRECIP_FILE must be included in each GSSHA project file. ...decoration: underline">Precipitation Input</font> for a description of the file format. Mutally exclusive with '''PRECIP_UNIF'''.2 KB (344 words) - 20:26, 5 August 2009
- ...ormats, and the appropriate distributed data either from the Mapping Table file or from GRASS ASCII maps. | <pre>HMET_SURFAWAYS "filename.hmt"</pre> || ''file name'' || ASCII file with hourly HMET data formatted in the form of the NOAA/NCDC Surface Airway12 KB (1,819 words) - 17:07, 21 December 2012
- ...sture are required. Parameter values may be input using the Mapping Table file or with the series of GRASS ASCII maps using the cards below. ...'GREEN_AMPT''' or '''INF_REDIST'''. Mutually exclusive with Mapping Table file assignment.9 KB (1,226 words) - 19:40, 25 June 2010
- #REDIRECT [[Project File:Channel Routing – Optional]]55 bytes (6 words) - 18:51, 25 February 2009
- | <pre>OUTLET_SED_FLUX "filename.osf"</pre> || ''file name'' || Output file name for outlet sediment flux (cms). Output is listed in columns, first be ..._ELEV "filename.ele"</pre> || ''file name'' || || || Output file containing the final elevations due to erosion and deposition. Inclusion o3 KB (433 words) - 18:22, 29 July 2009
- | <pre>SUMMARY "filename.sum"</pre> || ''file name'' || Output file summarizing information on options selected, inputs read, simulation result | <pre>OUTLET_HYDRO "filename.otl"</pre> || ''file name'' || Output file containing time series discharge at the catchment outlet. (m<sup>3</sup>/s11 KB (1,753 words) - 16:52, 24 June 2013
- For this project file example, we use an invented watershed data set. The topography of the wate ...t begin with the pound sign are comments, which are allowed in the project file.4 KB (404 words) - 20:12, 21 July 2008
- ...file will be called “simple.cip”, with a the channel/grid connectivity file "simple.gst". The format of the channel input files is described in Chapte The resulting project file for this simulation appears as:4 KB (502 words) - 20:11, 21 July 2008
- ...ure, and combination land-use/soil-texture maps. In this case the project file would look like. The Mapping Table file ''simple.cmt'' would supply all the needed parameters for overland flow, ET4 KB (450 words) - 20:29, 9 September 2008
Page text matches
- **Project File:Project File|Project File **Mapping Table:Mapping Table File|Mapping Table3 KB (324 words) - 17:51, 5 February 2025
- :#Save the project and run ''GSSHA''. ...on problem areas will be printed to the screen and also to the run summary file. If the overland flow module will not run you can try to change the overla4 KB (650 words) - 21:44, 23 July 2008
- :*Importing an existing grid file. The Index Maps window contains a list of maps created for the ''GSSHA'' project. A new map can be created using the ''Add Map'' button, and the ''Rename M2 KB (367 words) - 22:25, 9 February 2010
- ...ormat. For more information on this method, please refer to the ''WMS Help File''. ...rid Construction|Chapter 2]], export the basin boundary polygon as a shape file. You can then use the GeoProcessing extension within ''ArcView'' to clip o17 KB (2,732 words) - 23:11, 15 February 2010
- ...s file can be named as the rainfall file when saving the ''GSSHA'' project file.986 bytes (155 words) - 14:35, 17 April 2008
- ...xecutable, then you will be prompted to locate the file separately using a file browser. ...file before running ''GSSHA'' so that all changes are saved to the project file.912 bytes (150 words) - 21:51, 23 September 2008
- ''GSSHA'' can also be run from the command line using the project file as the sole command-line argument. For example, from a command prompt wind where simulate.prj is the name of the project file saved from ''WMS'' and resides in the same directory as ''GSSHA.exe''. You716 bytes (124 words) - 14:51, 17 April 2008
- ...necessary parameters required for the desired options. An example project file is shown below:1 KB (204 words) - 21:07, 21 June 2008
- ...nal maps may be created by specifying the appropriate cards in the project file, as described in the GSSHA User’s Manual.2 KB (282 words) - 18:46, 7 May 2008
- ...roject is also accessible for each solution by double-clicking the summary file tree item under the solution folder.5 KB (892 words) - 15:18, 17 April 2008
- {{GUMHead|17 - GSSHA File Formats}} {{:File Formats:File Format Overview}}458 bytes (56 words) - 18:51, 20 May 2008
- {{GUMHead|15 - Creating Project Files}} {{:Creating Project Files:Creating Project Files}}351 bytes (40 words) - 18:53, 20 May 2008
- {{GUMHead|3 - Project File}} {{:Project File:Project File}}1 KB (114 words) - 17:25, 24 June 2013
- ==Project file== {{:Running GSSHA:Project file}}5 KB (532 words) - 19:56, 7 October 2008
- on the wiki, which has the latest information on GSSHA™ features and file formats. are placed in a directory with a path that causes the combined path and file name to exceed 128 characters, then GSSHA will not run.10 KB (1,411 words) - 20:52, 25 September 2024
- * [[Template:Nav3]] - Project File * [[Template:Nav12]] - Mapping Table File984 bytes (128 words) - 22:11, 25 April 2024
- ...ld include the GSSHA executable (and any associated libraries) so that the project can be run independantly in the future. == Project Simulations ==2 KB (318 words) - 20:24, 24 March 2017
- | <pre>CHANNEL_INPUT "filename.cif"</pre> || ''file name'' || Input ASCII file containing channel network connectivity and cross-sectional information for | <pre>STREAM_CELL "filename.gst"</pre> || ''file name'' || Input ASCII file containing channel/grid connectivity information.8 KB (1,142 words) - 18:11, 5 April 2013
- ...hat processes run, when they run, and what output is returned. The project file references many other files. These files often differ in name by not much m ...nts. Please refer to Chapter 3 of the Manual, which describes the project file, and projects cards in detail.26 KB (3,971 words) - 14:55, 13 October 2023
- ...ies in the project, create it in a text file and include it in the project file using this card: This is the only card that may be repeated in the project file so that you can include as many time series files as needed.2 KB (396 words) - 17:49, 20 May 2008